Complete your subscription / renewal by making a transfer to “Friends of Naples” IBAN: IT81 K030 6909 6061 0000 0159 362
Purpose: Request for subscription / renewal Friends of Naples – Year + Name Surname + Tax Code
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The extraordinary artistic heritage of Naples is universal and belongs to everyone.
There are many ways that you too can become a Friend of Naples and support a restoration project that you personally feel connected to either with a tax deductible donation or by joining our association and becoming a fellow member.
Every contribution, even a small donation, is an investment in safeguarding and ensuring the city’s pleasures and providing continuity to its long and important history for us to enjoy right now and for generations to cherish and who wish to continue to preserve it.
By supporting Friends of Naples with a donation you can enjoy one of the following tax benefits.
By supporting Friends of Naples with a donation you can enjoy one of the following tax benefits.
For individuals:
the donation is 30% deductible up to € 30,000 of the amount donated
or alternatively:
it is deductible within the limit of 10% of the total declared income.
For institutions and companies:
the donation is deductible within the limit of 10% of the total declared income.
Where the object of the donations was aimed exclusively at a public cultural asset, it will be possible to apply the Art Bonus which allows a tax credit equal to 65% of the amount donated.
An exclusive program of tours has been reserved for members to discover some of the most inaccessible and symbolic places of the city.
Exceptionally, FON creates unique events for the companies in the Neapolitan territory, inspired by its great cultural heritage, which is the center of the work of our ONLUS. We offer behind the scenes visits and unique experiences in the city to art lovers supporters, led by art historians, experts in the sector and giving the possibility to organize private events and tours in memorable locations for their artistic value.
Choose Friends of Naples association and indicate our tax code number: